
2011(e)ko otsailaren 28(a), astelehena

2011(e)ko otsailaren 27(a), igandea


Nanoagarre kontrolatua


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Nanotechnology Enables First Synthetic Reversible Gecko Glue, Magnetism Turns Dry Micro-Nano Adhesive On and Off

The first synthetic reversible adhesive has been created by University of California scientists. The adhesive mechanism is a hierarchical system comprised of a micro-scale compliant surface containing nano-structures that allow it to mimic the adhesive qualities of a gecko’s foot.

The compliant surface is moved by applying a magnetic field either to engage the nano-structures with an adhering surface or to remove the nano-structures from the adhering surface, thus creating an on/off reversible adhesive mechanism say University of California, Santa Barbara Department of Mechanical Engineering Chair Professor Kimberly L. Turner and  co-inventor Michael T Northen in U.S. Patent 7,695,811,  


2011(e)ko otsailaren 26(a), larunbata


NANOGUNEtik NANOTEKNOLOGIAri buruzko erantzunak ekarri ditugu

ALex Bittner Autoantolaketa ("self assembly") taldearen liderrak gure galdereei emandako erantzunak:

Where and how is nanotechnology used today?

E.g. computer chip interconnects, < 100 nm wide copper-plated wires since 2009 (?)
E.g. computer chip transistors, < 50 nm wide doped silicon structures since ?
E.g. in paint (colored ceramic particles or white TiO2) since >50 years

- Which are the best materials for nanotechnology?

For these examples, metals and semiconductors and oxides (solids).
Generally, all materials we already know. On this primitive level, rather solids.
More advanced level: Nearly everything inside a living cell, which is the highest level of nanotech that we know (proteins, DNA, RNA, sugars, lipids in water)

- Is it possible to design new materials through nanotechnology? Which should be the charactersitic of the material?

E.g. gold is very noble, so chemically not reactive. Very small nanopieces of gold are good catalysts, so they are chemically quite reactive. Here the characteristics should be catalysis. For the examples above, high electrical conductivity (copper), and fast switching of currents (silicon), and durable colour (paint). For the cell, nature designed all.

- Related to their project, is it possible to design new materials for sport-shoes with the desired friction characteristics?

Surely yes. For most materoials, one will find they are more micro than nano, and they may not be stable. My trekking shoe's rubber peeled off after ten years, without damage to the rubber. The friction was still OK. This material, rubber, has been developed and improved for >50 years. Nanomaterials might take some while, too. A recent trend in research is nanostructures (pillars) for adhesion. Maybe good for shoes, too, but short-lived (yet).

- Is it true that nanomaterials could be dangerous for people or the environment?

Sure, asbestos is a natural nanomaterial that is very dangerous when inhaled. Its use is forbidden today.
An artificial material is Tobacco smoke. Spain has run a long-term experiment with millions of volunteers in bars, whose results we will see in the Onkologia.....
One of the worst is probably Diesel exhaust (soot nanoparticles).

- To what extent can change material's properties with size?

See the example with the gold. Another example is a metal such as iron. A powder that consists only of nanoballs of iron oxidises (gets rusty) so fast that it burns in air.

2011(e)ko otsailaren 21(a), astelehena

Hau bai logoa!!

Gure proposameneko logo berria da: LAUROESKUPI 2.0


Harvard Smithsonian astrofisika zentruak Big Bang-aren ikerketei buruz hausnartzen

“Quizás algún día descubramos que no hemos estado colocando las piezas en su debido lugar, y cuando las coloquemos bien, parecerá tan obvio que nos preguntaremos por qué no se nos había ocurrido colocarlas así mucho antes”

2011(e)ko otsailaren 18(a), ostirala

3.fasea 2.0

3.fasea aldatu egin dugu, puntu gehien ematen zituena talde lana zenez lehena egitea erabaki genuen. Puntuak:

ASTORE-NANOGUNE irteera prestatzen

Sartu hemen zuen galderak

NANOTEKNOLOGIAri buruzko galderak:

  • Zer arlotan eta zein modutan  erabiltzen da gehien nonoteknologia?

  • Zeintzuk materialetan erabili da dagoeneko nanoteknologia?

  • Diseinatu daiteke material bat aurretik ezarritako ezaugarriak kontuan hartuta? Honela bada zeintzuk baldintza bete behar ditu nonoteknologian aplikatzeko?

  • Gure kasuan diseinatu daiteke material bat agarrearen arabera?

  • Entzunda daukagu kezka dagoela nano material batzuk osasunerako eta ingurunerako kaltegarriak izan ote daitezkela, egia al da?

  • Baita ere kontuan hartu behar dugu materiales propieteak tamaniaren arabera aldatzen direla, beraz, ondo aztertu eta ezagutu behar ditugula hain eskala txikian kaltegarriak ez izateko. Baina zenbateraino  aldatu daiteke material batzuen propietateak?

ASTOREn egingo ditugun galderak:

  • Zeintzuk ezaugarri izan behar dituzte zapatilek?

  • Nola aukeratzen dituzue zapatilen materailak?

  • Kirol ezbersinetan zapatilek suela ezberdinak dituzte, zertan oinarritzen zarete hori egiterakoan?

  • Zergatik dira bereziak eku pilotarako zapatilak? Zergatik dute suela laranja?

  • Plantila bat diseinatzerakoan, kontuan hartzen duzue balgo anatomikoa?

  • Markelek esan digu, Arrasaten ez dagoela I+Sderik, azaldu ahal diguzue zapatila berri bat diseinatzeko prozesua?

2011(e)ko otsailaren 15(a), asteartea

Gure logo berria!

2. DBHko bi ikasle, Alain Murillo eta Aitxiber Etxebeste guretzako lan handia egiten ari dira, batek gure logoa eta besteak gure eskupilotako zapatilen diseinua. Hau da gure logoaren lehenengo bozetoa:

2011(e)ko otsailaren 3(a), osteguna